photo St Tyl |
textile enthusiasts today are carpet lovers and a rug, unlike cloth, benefits
from a status of being immediately both a textile and an object. It can be
fully appreciated and placed without transformation. From there, the move from
object to art object is just a question of intention. NeedKnot, is a new label
for finely crafted carpets that clearly tie together applied and fine arts.
historian, Mariannne Karabelnik, and design expert, Franziska Kessler, are the
label’s instigators who brought together 9 contemporary artists and designers for
the creation of 9 limited-edition rugs of the highest quality. The rugs were
produced by the world renowned specialists of carpet making, Tai Ping and
Manufacture Cogolin. A big bang of aesthetic impact was felt in Paris where
they were recently on view at the Tai Ping showroom in the Hotel de Livry.
photo St Tyl
Karim Noureldin "Evo "
22 shades of wool
photo St Tyl |
All the vigor, texture and saturated color of the best crayons in the box.
photo st Tyl
Erik Bulatov "O"
wool, flax, and silk
photo St Tyl |
O, so sober. O, so material.
photo St Tyl
Christain Astuquevielle "Ecritures"
tufted berber wool
Manufacture Comoglio
photo St Tyl |
Calligraphic tufting.
photo St Tyl |
Torsten Neeland "Primary"
Ayse Erkmen "Twist "
wool, silk
photo St Tyl |
This bas-relief takes carpet carving to the highest point of the technique in precision and 3-dimensionality.
photo St Tyl |
Alas, my close-up isn't close enough to do justice to the embroidered effect of "Twist!"
photo St Tyl |
Alex Hanimann "Betty"
wool silk nylon
The text in textiles.
photo St Tyl |
Nic Hess "Monumental Tour"
wool, flax, silk
photo St Tyl |
'I'mmm lovin' it' the world over ? !
photo St Tyl |
Melli Ink
"Walking Over Broken Plates"
photo St Tyl |
A cathartic carpet without the crashing or the cuts.
photo St Tyl |
Gioia Meller Marcovicz
30 shades of silk
photo St Tyl |
A sensuously textured dream of the Piazza San Marco, amorously rendered in the softest of silks.
For more information about the artists and Needknot,